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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  November 3, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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will tell you has been cleaned up tonight. if we could pan over. you can actually see the windows here at city hall. they have been replaced this morning. these windows were shattered. though most of the damage has been patched up and painted over, there are plenty of folks who are outraged by last night's mayhem. city workers are busy scraping and scrubbing, doing their best to clean up the massive mess left by demonstrators overnight. this was the scene early this morning when protesters occupied an abandoned building, then set dumpsters on fire as police moved in to clear them out. >> to the best of our ability, we arrested the people we felt were responsible for a lot of the damage. >> reporter: today police showed off some of the items they confiscated from the people they call anarchists, including rocks, bottles, sledgehammers and shields, also giant canisters, cops say were used to spraypaint.
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but the mayor says no plans to clear the tents out. instead, she wants a peaceful resolution. >> this is my top priority this week, working and trying to get communication with them and see if we can get a peaceful resolution. >> they need to be gone. >> reporter: this pastor is a 60-year resident of oakland and says the solution is simple, move the demonstrators out. >> get them out. they need to be gone. they don't need to be there. this is my city. >> reporter: but occupy oakland demonstrators say the destruction doesn't represent their movement. many pitched in to clean up the damage caused by what they say is a fringe element. >> there are other ways to make statements besides hurting local businesses and defacing property. >> reporter: and we are back here live. you're looking at occupy oakland tonight. many demonstrators say they feel really badly and are very sorry about what happened here. they say it does not represent the occupy oakland movement. they say that there are plans and talks under way on how to
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address the damage and perhaps compensate some of the business owners. they say they'll be talking about those idea at tonight's general assembly. but, again, the city for now is taking a wait-and-see approach. the mayor says she wants to take it day by day. reporting live in oakland, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> jodi, thank you. when it comes to the businesses in downtown oakland, this is a sensitive topic here. many of the business owners expressed surprise and disappointment about the late-night vandalism. they say not only did they support the occupy movement but many of them took part in yesterday's general strike. yet their property was still trashed. coming up at 6:00, we'll take a firsthand look at the impact the occupy movement is having on local businesses and why some could be forced to shut down. this will be an active night also as city hall, not just outside the plaza but inside the council chambers. a special session of the oakland city council starts within the hour. the ongoing protests will be at
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the top of the agenda. the meeting starts at 5:30. we have a crew inside. we also have in-depth coverage on the occupy movement on our website, while the occupy movement calls for more job, disappointing news from a silicon valley chip giant announcing the layoff of more than 1,000 workers. >> scott budman is with us. he joins us from the newsroom with this developing story. talking about amd in sunnyvale. >> reporter: this is a big shake-up inside amd. they need to save money and are making big cuts. they will cut 10% of its workforce, coming out to about 1,400 people worldwide about to be out of a job. 80 of those jobs will be from here in the bay area. the layoffs will happen over the next few months. we're also hearing about more pressure on solyndra tonight.
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the committee says it wants to see loan records pertaining to the fremont solar panel company which filed for bankruptcy in september. not everyone, though, is behind the idea of a subpoena. >> the committee has every right to seek and obtain relevant information from the white house to advance its legitimate oversight needs. but a subpoena to the white house is a serious step in a congressional investigation. and it's a step that should only be taken after alternative avenues have been exhausted. we clearly do not face those circumstances today. >> let's check your money. a strong day for stocks as the prime minister of greece is reportedly saying he's not going to have a vote on the bailout. that opens the door for the country to get much-needed money, a triple-digit gain today for the dow. and we now know how much those groupon ipo shares will cost. the coupon company pricing its
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ipo at $20 a share. the guess here is you can expect a pop in the morning when the stock starts trading tomorrow. long term, this company needs to turn a profit to excite a lot of investors. in other news tonight, a 15-year-old pleasanton girl is missing and is feared to be in the capture of a man. she is probably with 26-year-old gavin mcfate who's wanted in alameda county. detectives tell nbc bay area news they don't know if the teenager is with him voluntarily or by force. an update to a story on the state assemblywoman charged with shoplifting from a neiman-marcus store. she was arrested at the union
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square neiman marcus last month. she's accused of trying to walk away with nearly 2,5$2,500 wortf clothing. she's charged with aune count of grand theft. she's pleaded not guilty. diane feinstein authored a bill which went before the senate judiciary committee. she got 30 other senators to sign on as co-sponsors, meaning it should win approval easily. passage in the republican-controlled house is doubtful. the defense of marriage act is a 1996 federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. new hope for patients with brain aneurysms. marianne favro takes a look at the new procedure offered at stanford hospital. this is safer and could be a game changer here. >> it really could.
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stanford hospital is one of the first in the state to offer this procedure. for patients with large aneurysms who face few options, this is not only giving them a more promising treatment but one with fewer risks, too. >> last summer, i was having trouble with my vision. i noticed i was having double vision while driving. >> reporter: doctors told jennifer a brain aneurysm was causing her vision problems. after weighing all her options, she decided to undergo a new treatment using a device called the pipeline stent which had just been approved by the fda. dr. michael marks performed the procedure. >> this device puts a metal sleeve or a stent inside the blood vessel that impedes or inhibits the blood flow from the flood vessel into the aneurysm. >> reporter: that stops the blood from entering the aneurysm preventing it from breaking or
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bleeding. the aneurysm eventually clots up and shrinks, no longer posing a risk to the patient. doctors say this procedure offers a new treatment option for about 15% of brain aneurysm patients. those whose aneurysm is too large to successfully treat with conventional methods. the new approach is also much less invasive. doctors insert a catheter in through the groin so there's no need to cut through the skull. the benefits are in the design. 48 tiny wires are braided together to diminish blood flow to the aneurysm. jennifer is so glad the device was approved just when she needed it. the pipeline was her lifeline. the pipeline stent was first developed here in the bay area. marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> a remarkable procedure. still to come at 5:00, he
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trusted him with his life. but did that trust cost michael jackson his life? the fate of dr. conrad murray is now in the hands of a jury. counterfeit technology, the growing market for fake tablets and how you can spot the difference. and we'veñi seen close call recently but nothing like this. whale watching in santa cruz gets a whole new meaning. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. our cold blast has arrived. you can feel it all across the bay area along with the clouds and scattered showers. widespread 50s as the jettrmea takes a strong dip all the way dom to southern california. we'll track these showers and have more on this bitte tr blas of airbl ijun aewes m.ut. [people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash.
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that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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dramatic new video shows the exact moment a barge crashed into a tour boat killing two tourists in pennsylvania last summer. this video was shown during the sentencing hearing for the barge pilot. he admits to being distracted by his cell phone and laptop before the collision. the 250-foot barge overran the tour boat pushing it and its passengers and crew into the delaware river. he pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to a year in prison. it's now in the hands of the jury. seven men and five women will decide the fate of michael jackson's personal doctor. closing arguments wrapped up today in the involuntary  manslaughter trial of dr. conrad murray. stephanie stanton has been covering the high-profile trial for us in los angeles and joins us with the latest. good evening, stephanie. >> reporter: good evening to you, raj. it's been a very big day here as you might imagine.
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closing arguments took all day long, first the prosecution, then the defense. then court adjourned around 4:00 this afternoon. the judge gave the jury instructions. they will begin deliberating first thing tomorrow morning. >> michael jackson trusted conrad murray. >> reporter: closing arguments in the conrad murray trial. >> conrad murray abandoned michael jackson. >> reporter: the prosecution laying out its case for the last time for the jury. >> every single doctor that testified in this courtroom told you they would never do what conrad murray did. every single doctor. because they know it could lead to death. >> reporter: the prosecutor hammered home their contention that conrad murray should be held criminally responsible for the death of pop star michael jackson. >> conrad murray caused the death of michael jackson. >> reporter: in the afternoon,
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the defense got its turn to present closing arguments. >> the prosecution during these six weeks have absolutely failed to prove a crime. >> reporter: trying to convince the jury that it was not dr. murray but michael jackson himself that caused his own death. >> or michael jackson went into his personal bathroom and swallowed lorazepam and dr. murray didn't know it. >> reporter: the jury will deliberate behind closed doors, going over hundreds of exhibits and 22 days of testimony to decide conrad murray's fate. the jury will consider one count of involuntary manslaughter which means they don't have to decide whether conrad murray meant to kill michael jackson, only if there is enough evidence to find him criminally responsible. that is the latest live here in downtown los angeles. i'm stephanie stanton, back to you. >> stephanie, thank you. go where the money is. after years of selling fake handbags, software and other
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products, counterfeits are now making knockoffs of apple's ipad. investigators have uncovered a fake ipad ring stretching across the country. suspects are using rental cars to drive across the country selling these fake ipads to customers who think they're the real deal. thousands of fakes are also available online. the ipads usually have a bogus apple logo, don't work well and have no warranty. officials are warning consumers to stick to retail sites that they trust as the holiday shopping season approaches. topping our health watch tonight, get up and move. sitting for too long may increase your risk for cancer. researchers linked more than 90,000 new cancer cases to prolonged sitting and physical inactivity. studies show exercise significantly lowers your risk for cancer. they suggest take breaks throughout the day and limit periods of sitting to no longer than one hour at a time.
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next year, the race course for the amgen course will be different. next may, riders will finish the second stage of the race in santa cruz. the race sponer wa ee esor wantn backdrop. another change for next year, instead of starting at lake tahoe, the race will begin in santa rosa. it ends in southern california. get ready to crack open some crab. saturday marks the beginning of crab season which begins on time for the first time in three years. the department of fish and game expects the harvest to be robust. great news for fishermen. and it's good news for your wallet. wh harvest subpoena plentiful, the price of crab goes down. sit the thrill of a lifetime or the scare of a lifetime? another man meets whale in our local waters. watch carefully.
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a surfer and kayakers hanging about -- oh, my goodness. they were just hanging about in santa cruz when a humpback whale surfaces and almost engulfs the entire group. that's amazing. >> yeah. close call. >> one of several recent very close sightings near santa cruz where a pod of whales has been feeding close to the shore. fish and game officers have been warning people to keep a safe distance from the feeding whales which can measure 50 feet in length and 40 tons. >> damian did a story yesterday and said where the birds are flying, that's where the whales are nearby. i'm sure people are going to those areas hoping to see a whale. >> if damian trujillo was a real reporter, he would have been in the water looking for -- >> he was on a boat. >> take it away, jeff. >> we have our cold storm here and also the rainfall. we have the clouds in throughout
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downtown san francisco, 52. also some scattered and cold showers here throughout much of the bay area. let's get a look at our radar as it scans around. we're finding the cold front pushing from lake tahoe all the way down to monterey. thin line of rainfall, that's the cold front. it's not holding too much rainfall. but when the raindrops have been coming down, they definitely have been quite chilly out here. still finding consistent rainfall back here in the east bay from livermore down to fremont. continuing in the east bay for about the next two hours or so. then you'll get a little bit of clearing tonight. we're still keeping the chance of showers in the forecast. for the south bay, moderate pockets of rainfall. mountain view, san jose and also down to the hills of los gatos, santa cruz included as well. snow level at 3,500 feet. totals about 2 to 4 inches. but that cold dome of air, so cold it's bringing the snow level down to about january and february levels. and talk about the temperatures,
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dropping 20 to 25 degrees here for our inland spots today. 20 degrees colder in fairfield. 22 degrees cooler in napa and 22 degrees cooler in concord. for monday's warm weather, drops to about 30 to 35 degrees for some of you. 50s on the board for everyone, from san jose to santa rosa. hopefully you had your jacket today. you've had to pull the umbrella out sporadically. that's continuing through tonight and also on friday. isolated showers and possibly embedded thunderstorms. plenty of 60s for friday. weekend stays cold. possible frost. another system for more rainfall. here's the storm system. it's winding up, picking up all this cold and unstable air. we find pockets of these showers offshore. the center of low pressure still offshore will start to push in across california heading throughout the next 24 hours. nonetheless, it is c-o-l-d. it's going to be cold out there. 60s for friday. throughout this weekend, more rain will be in our forecast.
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sparse the timing goes for tonight, we'll find the isolated showers by 11:00 p.m. for tomorrow morning, a few pockets of showers in the early morning hours. by the afternoon, getting in on some sunshine with our next round of rain coming as we head throughout saturday night. we went from real quiet weather to quite active here. and rainfall totals anywhere from .5 inches to .75 inches. 47 in livermore. 45 in san jose. tomorrow, upper 50s to low 60s from the north bay to the south bay. morningtime at, a chance of isolated thunderstorms tomorrow. another storm late saturday and sunday for more rain. temperatures stay in the 60s. and don't forget your clocks. they go back an hour. >> hour more of sleep. >> i see the icon on your forecast. still ahead, a special honor coming to the south bay next week. and will money worries
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affect holiday travel? we'll have your travel forecast. and life imitating art, a poor man gets his chance at millions of dollars on a game show in india. stay with us. [ female announcer ] this is the story of joycelin... [ joycelin ] it was a typical morning. i was getting ready for work, and then i got this horrible headache, and then i blacked out. [ female announcer ] ...who thought she had reached the end of her story. [ joycelin ] the doctor told me i had two brain aneurysms and that one of them had ruptured. [ female announcer ] fortunately, she was treated at sutter health's california pacific medical center. [ joycelin ] the nurses and doctors were amazing, and they were like a second family to me. and now i'm back to doing what i love. [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health.
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our story is you.
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some airlines are hiking up their fares just in time for the holiday season. us airways and delta are raising their fares. other carriers are supposedly looking at the same increase. if you're planning on traveling over thanksgiving weekend, be prepared for crowded planes. airlines have cut back on the number of flights to save money. the south bay will be celebrating veterans day with a special visitor this year. the traveling vietnam wall will be coming to cupertino for a five-day stay next week.
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there will be storytellers on hand to tell stories behind the names on the wall. a bay area teacher is being applauded in washington, d.c. tonight. he received the champion of change award today at the white house. here he is the congressman from california. he was anonymously nominated for his work on a community water pump near yosemite. he also received teacher of the year honors last year at laurel creek elementary in fairfield. it's a rags togic rhes skus story from a game show. ay with us.
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just like the hit movie slumdog millionaire but this is real life. a low-paid clerk won a million dollars on india's version on "who wants to be a millionaire." we knew the outcomment he struck it rich but only today did we learn the question that made him the winner. i'm sure all of you know it. the answer is denmark. kumar is a computer operator who earned $120 a month at his government job. after taxes, he'll have the equivalent of $700,000. >> it's like when the coach wins the football game, the gatorade -- >> yes. >> congratulations to him. quickly, want to show you that
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whale video off santa cruz again. humpback right in front of surfers and kayakers. >> be careful out there.
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